It is very important that you have your current plan checked during the open enrollment period even though you may be happy with the current coverage of your plan. Plans will change the formulary lists and you may not be aware that one, or more, of your current medications will not be covered by your plan for the next year.
APPRISE Counselors are available, by appointment, to help you choose a plan for the upcoming year. It is very important that you understand any changes that your current prescription drug plan may be making for 2014.
To schedule an appointment, please call the Union Snyder Area Agency on Aging at 570-524-2100 or 570-374-5558.
Please remember to bring the following to your counseling appointment:
- All insurance cards, including Medicare
- Driver’s License or photo ID
- A list of all current medications
- Last year’s income verification if applying for PACE
- Current income verification to apply for pharmacy extra help or state coverage for your Medicare Part B premium