The Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc. will be offering free health screenings to people age 60 and olderon Friday, April 17, 9:00 am – 12 Noon, at the Penns Creek Adult Resource Center, 3551 Richard Road, Penns Creek, PA 17862. Appointments are not needed, however, if you would like to stay for lunch (must be age 60 or older), please call Chris Erb at 570-837-6200 before 10:00 am on Friday, April 10. There is a $4 fee for lunch.
Screenings offered by Evangelical Community Health & Wellness include: body composition and blood sugar (finger stick). Cardiac/stroke education and blood pressure will be provided by SUN Home Health. The audiology department from Bloomsburg University will offer free hearing screenings and checks of hearing aids. The depression screening is coordinated by CMSU Behavioral Health Services with volunteer psychologists conducting private, individual screenings.
If you live in Union or Snyder County and need a ride to get to this event call the Union Snyder Transportation Alliance (USTA) at 570-522-1390 or toll free at 1-877-877-9021. The deadline to call USTA in order to be guaranteed a trip is no later than 10:00 am the business day prior to the requested trip. USTA strongly encourages consumers to call several days ahead of time.